Thursday, November 26, 2015

This Design

Click on 'Templates', Use the first 'picture window' template.

Click on 'Apply to Blog, than 'Customize' On the 'customizing screen' click on Background, go to the 'Nature' catagory, and see the background on the left side bar, thats the one I used.

I have noticed that the upper half of the backgrounds shows up over most of the blog, so keep that In mind when selecting a background, On this one, I liked the upper half better. lol

I selected the 'Mountains Of Christmas' font, 20px. on the page text, Advanced Tab.

Advanced tab, Blog title, I choose the darker blue, #3b6794, I also centered it, and highlited the 'Mountains Of Christmas' text, 80px, and clicked the 'B' for 'bold'.

On the layout screen I choose a right side bar. For the widths I adjusted the side bar at 300 pixels and the main center at 900.

Creating Blogs!

Click my logo, angel 2shine on the top right for all my other blogs, including all the creating blogs Design 1 - 4.

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